昔、秀吉や家康が所持していた面を再現しているのだと言うロマンを感じながら、 一年に2面程度の作品を完成させております。
I have been interested in Japanese history, and have read various history books. One day my neighbor recommended and introduced me the late master, Michiyasu Harima (Mr. Yasutsugu Ohshima), one of the top Noh creators, and I decided to hold carving knives. I have curved Noh masks as a hobby on top of my normal work.
Fortunately, I could get an opportunity to be coached by Mr. Tohru Nakanishi (the former curator of the Museum of Noh Artifacts, Sasayama), I have been trying to do my best to reflect subtle and profound old Noh masks.
I create two Noh masks a year, feeling that I re-create the Noh masks the historical figures such as Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Ieyasu Tokugawa had once.
I am so pleased if you enjoy my works.